My soul hath run clinging to thee, On me hath thy right hand laid hold.” (Psalm 63:8, EMPH)

John Piper writes that the ultimate goal of reading the Bible is:

 That God’s infinite worth and beauty would be exalted in the everlasting, white-hot worship of the blood-bought bride of Christ from every people, language, tribe, and nation.

I’m inclined to agree with him on that.  Some Bible passages one has to work hard to see God’s infinite worth and beauty, but our passage tonight is not on of those passages.

David is on the run in the wilderness of Judah, no doubt in fear for his life.  Where does he go for comfort?  My soul hath run clinging to thee.  It’s a beautiful phrase and one that captures our imagination.  Who else can David cling to at that moment?  Not his father or relatives, not his great strength or his mighty army, but God is enough and more than enough.

There is an interesting symbiotic relationship expressed here.  David clings to God, but God also clings to David: On me hath thy right hand laid hold.  Compared to the strong arm of God, what need to fear the puny strength of a mere human king?  It’s laughable really.

God clings to his people.  Here is good news to a hurting soul, to a bruised reed, to crushed straw.  Life has a tendency to mash us down into pulp; we lose our job, we suddenly discover that we have a life-threatening illness, and people fail us. God clings to us, and we find that when everything else fails, God is enough and more than enough.